Hey there, bodybuilder! I'm so eager to show you the pull-up progression today... Allow me to introduce you to the ultimate pull-up program, which was designed to give you "The Secret to a Sculpted Upper Body AND Untapped Strength." You CAN achieve both at the gym or in the privacy and comfort of your own home."
All you have to do now is read, watch, and read with videos...
and kindly allow me to guide you through the following program...
Let me tell you about Evelyn.
What do you usually notice when you scroll through Instagram and see
women doing pull-ups?
Unfortunately, few women are seen doing pull-ups, since many women have
been misled into believing that they are incapable of doing so. Many others are
not preparing for pull-ups in a manner that will help them succeed. The
majority of women who excel in pull-ups are exceptional athletes in their
twenties and early thirties.
Evelyn, on the other hand, is not one of them. She is in her late
fifties and can do a minimum of six pull-ups on a dime on a regular basis.
Evelyn is putting the rest of us to shame at a time when most individuals blame
their lack of skill on aging.
If I told you it had always been this way, I'd be lying.
When Evelyn initially came to see me, she was in excruciating pain in
her neck and back.
DECADES have passed.
Her life was obviously not easy. Pull-ups are a thing of the past.
Getting groceries, walking her dog, and going about her daily routine were a
real pain in the neck.
When Evelyn and I initially started working together, I was not only
faced with the task of assisting her in achieving her goal—the ability to do a
pull-up—but I was also on a mission to assist her in rebuilding her body so
that she could achieve this goal correctly for the first time in her life.
Evelyn met her objective, and we all worked together to achieve it.
THOUSANDS of people of all genders from at least 85 countries are currently
following The Ultimate Pull-Up Program.
What does this involve? It involves:
Proper Body Positioning
We rehearsed the raw technique of a proper pull-up and focused on
learning the foundations before Evelyn touched the pull-up bar.
Core Strength
Consider your body to be a chain. When all of the links in this chain
are strong, you should see a significant improvement in your ability to perform
most activities, including pull-ups. You don't want a weak link in your chain,
which includes your complete body. Your ability to perform pull-ups will
certainly decrease if your core is weak, which encompasses all of the muscles
in your body save your arms and legs.
Mastering The Fundamentals And Following The Key Steps
Many people make the mistake of attempting to move from A to Z without
taking the necessary steps to enhance their pull-up technique, whole body
strength, controlled mobility, and stability/tension. As a result, they
struggle to meet their specific pull-up targets. Performing the appropriate
pull-up regressions, horizontal pulling exercises, scapula/shoulder controlled
mobility exercises, lumbo-pelvic stability exercises, grip exercises, and even
lower body exercises, and only progressing when you are ready, will better
prepare you to conquer the pull-up, depending on where you started. Many people
miss important steps and wonder why they aren't progressing.
So, returning to Evelyn, she completed her training in a progressive,
systematic, and consistent manner, and she achieved her goal. In fact, she
smashed her one-pull-up target out of the water. She can now accomplish six of
them. Her excruciating back and neck agony had vanished as an unanticipated
consequence. She molded the muscles in her upper body as well, and she felt
more powerful than she had in the past. With this in mind, it's time to rethink
your strategy.
Here are the four common exercises aren’t the solution.
Every time you look for an article on how to improve your pull-ups
on the internet, you'll find the same advice. There is, however, a better
1. Band Assisted Pull-Ups
You're aware of these. There's a band wrapped around the pull-up bar,
and you put your foot through it to get a little help, but it's at a time when
you don't need it the most. While this exercise can help you improve your
pull-up technique and gain control over your body placement, it is not the only
way to learn how to do pull-ups.
2. Machine Assisted Pull-Ups
This is comparable to the band assisted pull-up, but your body does
even less work in this exercise than in the band assisted pull-up. This version
requires you to walk up to the machine, select the weight you want to assist
you with, place your knees on the pad, and get to work.
3. Bodyweight Rows/Australian Pull-Ups
These aren't truly pull-ups because your body is moving horizontally
rather than vertically. While this is a nice exercise with a clear purpose, it
isn't specialized enough for the pull-up. So, while these can be a modest
element of any pull-up training routine, you'd be better off devoting the
majority of your time and effort to something else.
4. Lat Pull-Downs
This is perhaps the least specific of all the exercises you can do to
improve your pull-ups.
Now Learn, Why don’t these exercises work the way they should?
Because they are all lacking in specificity, these workouts will not
best prepare you to succeed at pull-ups.
Glute strength isn't mentioned at all. Yes, a strong butt is required
to master the pull-up, believe it or not.
Core strength gets a lot of attention, yet it's often overlooked. You
may find that your "abs" are a little uncomfortable or at the very
least exhausted after performing pull-ups. When you do a pull-up, all of the
muscles in your torso that surround your spine must work together to keep your
body steady and from swinging, as well as assist you in getting to and from the
The muscles that control the mobility of your shoulder blades, commonly
known as the scapulae, receive very little attention. If these crucial muscles
aren't strong enough, and you can't control the movement of your shoulder
blades, you'll struggle to do a perfect pull-up, or your form will be sloppy at
the very least. The purpose of this program is to help you do a lot of pull-ups
while maintaining good form and being healthy.
The pull-up is a full-body workout that is commonly misunderstood as an
upper-body exercise.
Your pull-up performance will suffer if you don't have strong core
muscles, such as the glutes and the muscles that regulate the movement of your
shoulder blades.
Once you've mastered the previous elements, mastering the pull-up will
be lot easier.
That is why I created....
The Ultimate Pull-Up Program
The Ultimate Pull-Up Program, which I spent months creating, is a 160+
page master program that will help you overcome many of the issues that are
keeping you from excelling at or even being able to execute pull-ups in the
first place. The Ultimate Pull-Up Program is something I am incredibly proud
of. It's a game-changer, to say the least.
The Ultimate Pull-Up Program is a four-phase program that will help you
achieve not only pull-up expertise but also a striking silhouette and the
strength to match.
The Ultimate Pull-Up Program will gradually and methodically build your
entire body while also developing the necessary degree of technique so that you
may dominate your pull-ups. Each phase will take four to eight weeks, and you
will do the following:
1. Work on your pull-up technique so you
can do them quickly.
2. Increase your upper-body strength so
that reaching the bar isn't as difficult.
3. Increase your upper-body muscle tone
and hypertrophy so you can accomplish more pull-ups.
4. Improve your controlled scapular and
shoulder mobility so you can safely travel to and from the bar.
5. Increase your grip strength so you
have the necessary hang time to complete several reps and sets.
6. Strengthen your core and glutes so
you don't have any weak points.
7. Strengthen your lower body so that
your glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings are stronger than ever and don't hold
you back.
The Ultimate Pull-Up Program is 200 pages long. To grasp fast learn about it on a video here…
You Might Be Asking, Why The Ultimate Pull-Up Program Is Like No
Face it, no other program will devote as much attention to entire body
strength and full-body coordinated movement as The Ultimate Pull-up Program.
Not only that, but no other program focuses solely on women. However, people of
all genders will benefit from this training. And where else will you find
someone with my 15+ years of experience?
That is what makes The Ultimate Pull-up Program unique from the
competition. "This seems too wonderful to be true," you're
undoubtedly thinking right now. I'm not going to be able to perform pull-ups
that well!"
You aren't the first one to think so. On the other hand, everyone else
was feeling the same way.
What Some Have Said About The Ultimate Pull-Up Program.
I will give you one comment of a person while you can watch a video of what they saying Here!
In 8 months, I went from zero to ten pull-ups.
"I completed the task! Ten rigorous pull-ups with an overhand
grip. To go from zero to ten, it took me 8 months of persistent hard work,
sweat, and tears. Pull-Ups are a fantastic total-body workout that involves
much more than your back. This video shows the final product, but I had to
undertake a variety of workouts to increase my core and lumbo-pelvic stability,
grip strength, and scapular mobility.
I was fortunate to encounter Meghan and her Ultimate Pull-up Program a
few months into my training. I don't want to come off as a salesperson, but I
honestly believe I would not have been able to attain my ten without this
program and her personal instruction. She's the real deal, and I owe her a debt
of gratitude."
- Emily Fauser (Emily Fauser)
NB. : The products or services mentioned above are
from various founders’ and specialists’ web pages. Some have mentioned their
names, and I've supplied links to their official websites so that you, my
readers, can learn more about them. All of the articles on this website are
quotations (or are derived from the websites of the founders and/or experts),
and I have chosen the most relevant information to share with my readers. If
you have any issues with the seller (meaning the experts and or founder),
please consider contacting them via their webpages for further consultation…