When you lift weights, do you ever have aches and pains? Especially elbow pain, which we might refer to as elbow pain lifting weights. I'm going to tell you about a new approach I discovered to deal with pain. Which will help you get rid of agonizing elbow pain without expensive appointments, medicines, or surgery in just minutes...
Ready? I'll tell you a narrative that will provide you a step-by-step
approach to eventually getting rid of your golfer's elbow, tennis elbow, and
forearm pain... I'll also assist lifters.
Jedd Johnson, who claims to be just like you, wrote the narrative.
Now read the story of Jedd....
Jedd Johnson is my name, and I'm just like you.
I've had excruciating agony in my elbows and forearms, struggled to
complete workouts, and lay awake at night wondering whether the pain in my
elbow would ever go away.
But I've been fortunate enough to figure out how to heal my elbow
discomfort and keep it away for a long time by trial and error, and I'd like to
teach you how you may do the same today.
Allow me to tell you about my experience...
It was 2003, and I had just started Grip Sport, a new type of strength
training. Squeezing high-duty hand grippers till the handles touched together,
lifting very large thick-handled dumbbells, and bending nails and steel bars
were all part of this exciting new sport.
When I first learned about this new sport, I attacked it like an
animal, giving it my all. I started bending nails practically every day of the
week since I like it so much. Twisting a 6-inch nail into a U-shape felt
Then, one day at work, as I was pulling open the door to the cafeteria
break room, I felt a sharp agony in my arm, like if someone had stabbed me with
a red-hot fireplace poker.
I was in the nurse's station, a person with a desk job, reporting an
injury from opening a door, and I couldn't have been more ashamed...
Every single individual that passed by the door seemed to be glaring at
me in humiliation!
I quickly discovered that I had developed two conditions known as
Tennis Elbow and Golfer's Elbow.
Both are relatively common ailments that affect thousands of people
every year; the only difference is that most people only get one of them. Both
sides of my elbow were sensitive to the touch and hurt so much that I couldn't
use that arm to drink coffee for a week owing to the agony.
I immediately began seeing a therapist, and after hundreds of dollars
and countless half-days of work, the agony had subsided and I was back to my
former self.
After that, I decided to take it a little easier on the Nail Bending.
I had a few more instances with Tennis Elbow over the next few years,
but they were never as bad as the first - and I believe that's because I worked
out how to avoid it from happening again.
To avoid that dreadful forearm discomfort from returning, I've found a
handful of simple and easy-to-perform activities that I do on a regular basis
and that I plug straight into my current training and lifestyle.
I've even shared this information with a number of friends and coaching
clients, and they're no longer suffering from chronic forearm pain...
Unfortunately, because I am a known specialist on grip and forearm
strength development, I get approached every week by people like you from all
over the world who are feeling pain in their forearms and elbows.
Why I Tracked Down Rick Kaselj
My strong suit is preventing forearm discomfort, but what about people
who already have it and are in dire need of relief? I knew I needed to locate
someone who specialized in assisting people in recovering from injuries.
I had been reading about Rick Kaselj, an injury expert, for over a
year. Rick Kaselj was exactly the person I needed to work with to help people
like you solve even their most frustrating elbow and forearm injuries! I kept
seeing his name here and there, and I realized he was exactly the person I
needed to work with to help people like you solve even their most frustrating
elbow and forearm injuries!
What an impressive list of achievements he has amassed...
I dialed Rick's number, and the gears started turning as soon as we
spoke. We started talking about all of our options for resolving forearm
discomfort and putting an end to elbow issues for good.
We had never spoken before, but the way we were sharing stories about
how our most trusted injury healing and preventive approaches had helped so
many individuals made it feel as though we were two old friends catching up.
It's like an eruption of new thoughts when two similar minds can feed
off one another.
The Fixing Elbow Pain System had written itself before we realized it.
Here is The Complete Fixing Elbow Pain System
How the Fixing Elbow Pain System Will Help You:
Component #1: Rehab of Lateral Elbow Pain
Rick will demonstrate what you should do if you have lateral elbow pain
in this section.
As Rick takes your hand in his and explains everything you need to know
about lateral elbow pain, it's as if you're in an appointment with him. He
demonstrates the Fixing Lateral Elbow Pain system's components in order to
provide pain relief.
Rick will take the time to explain everything to you in a way that you
can understand, as well as show you how to get the most out of the exercises.
The first time you see this, you'll notice how different it is from
anything you've seen before or any pain appointments you've had.
Component #2: Rehab of Medial Elbow Pain
When you're dealing with medial elbow pain, you always wonder,
"What can I do to get rid of this?" Rick demonstrates what you're
capable of.
Rick will show you which exercises to focus on and how to combine the
exercises to create a compounded pain reduction impact.
You'll also see how simple medial elbow pain relief exercises are to do
and how little equipment is required.
After that, he'll show you what to watch for and how to avoid when
undertaking tasks that are known to trigger forearm pain.
Component #3: Prevention Measures for Avoiding Elbow Injuries
In this section, I'll show you how to avoid injuries by being proactive
rather than reactive, and how to do so without sacrificing training time or
outcomes — in fact, your results will be even greater.
Pre-Activity Injury Prevention: We'll look at how a proper
warm-up can help you prepare for sports, training, and other strenuous
activities. I'll show you how to practice this powerful warm-up to get blood
flowing throughout your entire body, through your core, and out to your lower
arms, preparing you for great workouts, huge games, and any other time when
performance matters!
During-Activity Prevention Measures: You put in long hours of
labor, practice, play, and training. I'll teach you how to keep accomplishing
all of these things at a high level by paying attention to several risk
variables you're probably overlooking right now. Prepare to bump it up a notch,
Post-Activity Prevention Measures: The Recovery Process is the
focus of this section. I'll show you how to speed up your recovery by releasing
tension in your muscles and tendons after a workout with a quick set of
stretches that I've found to be really beneficial over the years.
Component #4: Pre-habilitation of the Elbow
Antiagonistic Balance, Rotation Training, and Increasing Blood Flow are
the three types of training that make up effective pre-habilitation for the
Elbow Area and Forearms.
Antagonistic Balance: This is merely a fancy way of saying that
you should develop your extensors properly. We can better maintain balance
between the extensors, the muscles on the back of the forearm that open the
hand, and the flexors, the muscles on the bottom of the forearm that close the
hand, by strengthening the extensors. These workouts are simple to do, cost
very little to implement, and the majority of them may be built by you.
Rotation Training: We can strengthen the muscles that turn the
forearm by training the forearm rotators — muscles that are frequently
overlooked in forearm training, resulting in weakness and injury
susceptibility. These are some of the more basic workouts that you can start
doing right away.
Increasing Blood Flow: Blood carries nutrients to damaged tissue
and aids in the removal of pollutants. You'll learn 5 new exercises to assist
increase circulation in the elbow area and maintain it strong.
How Much Better One Will Feel After
Fixing Their Elbow and Forearm Pain…?
NB. : The products or services mentioned above are
from various founders’ and specialists’ web pages. Some have mentioned their
names, and I've supplied links to their official websites so that you, my
readers, can learn more about them. All of the articles on this website are
quotations (or are derived from the websites of the founders and/or experts),
and I have chosen the most relevant information to share with my readers. If
you have any issues with the seller (meaning the experts and or founder),
please consider contacting them via their webpages for further consultation…