Custom Keto Diet Benefits

Would you like to know exactly what to eat to lose weight and get healthy without having to give up your favorite foods or go on a strict diet?


If you're serious about losing weight and transforming your health while eating your favorite meals at every meal...

This page is for you to read.


Here's How It Works:

The nutrition industry, in my opinion, is horribly dysfunctional. The world is full of myths, frauds, and outright lies, rather than helping individuals better their health and overall physical attractiveness.

I mean, it's self-evident that the present dietary recommendations are ineffective. Take a look at the numbers. 71.6 percent of adults in the United States aged 20 and above are overweight, with more than half being obese! [1]

Now, it's not your fault if you're one of the millions of people who follow all of the nutrition guidelines laid forth by health and fitness "gurus" but still gain weight.

The Truth Is:

You may have the slender and attractive physique of your desires, no matter how genetically "doomed" you may believe you are, and no matter how dissatisfied you may feel after trying and abandoning numerous diets.

Getting in great condition isn't nearly as difficult as nutrition and exercise "gurus" would have you believe. In truth, if you avoid the four most common and deadly diet blunders, achieving your ideal body is an easy procedure.

Do you make any of these four common diet MISTAKES that sabotage your health and prevent fat loss?


Being unable to maintain a calorie deficit:

Controlling the sorts of food you eat, according to some "experts," is the key to losing weight and keeping it off.

They claim that certain foods are "fattening" because they slow fat burning and create a hormonal milieu conducive to weight gain, while others "balance" the system and promote fat reduction.

While this is largely correct, it does not provide the complete picture. The reason for this is that the most crucial thing you can do to lower your scale number is to go into a calorie deficit.

It's straightforward. You will gain weight if you consume more calories than you burn. You will lose weight if you consume fewer calories than you burn. That is the truth of science. [2]

Are you looking for proof? Dozens of research have demonstrated the importance of calorie balance. [3-19] A case study by Mark Haub, a professor of human nutrition at Kansas State University, is one of them. [20]

He was overweight and decided to try an experiment because he understood the necessity of calorie balance. He exclusively ate Twinkies, Oreos, Doritos, and protein shakes for two months while sustaining an 800-calorie daily energy deficit.

What's the end result? He shed 27 pounds and cut his body fat from 33.4 percent to 24.9 percent in just two months.

Now, I'm not suggesting you try such a diet, but it does show my argument. You must be in a calorie deficit if you want to lose weight.


Severe calorie restriction results in metabolism similar to that of a 90-year-old woman:

If a daily energy deficit of 250 calories gets you slim, a daily energy deficit of 1,000 calories should get you lean four times faster, right?

Wrong! This is a common blunder, and I used to do it myself before I learned better.

The truth is that significant calorie deficiencies have a negative impact on your physiology. That's why almost all low-calorie dieters regain the weight they lost when they stop the diet... and many gain even more.

Your body, you see, is completely unaware that you're attempting to get ripped for the beach. Instead, it thinks you're stranded with no food because you're famished.

As a result, your body's metabolism will slow down, making it difficult for you to lose weight. This implies that as soon as you stop eating, your body will store as much food as possible as fat in order to prepare for the next time you go hungry.

That's why it's critical to eat according to a calorie target that's tailored to your body and circumstances.


Assuming that all calories are the same:

We've only looked at calories so far. And, while calories are an important part of the fat-loss puzzle, they aren't the only factor to consider. When most people say they want to reduce weight, they really mean they want to enhance their health and appearance.

The truth is, you shouldn't aim for weight loss if you want to accomplish such feats. Set your sights on fat loss instead. That's because lowering weight doesn't always translate to better health and beauty, although losing fat does.

When it comes to fat loss, calories are still an important factor. But it's also important to pay attention to your macronutrient consumption. To put it another way, the amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fat you consume is critical. The way you set up your macros has a big impact on how your body reacts to the foods you eat.

For example, even if you maintain a calorie deficit, it will be nearly impossible to shed fat if you consume too many carbohydrates. Carbs produce an increase in insulin, a hormone that slows fat loss in two ways.

One of these is that high insulin levels prevent fat from being released from fat cells.

[21-23] And if your cells are unable to release fat, your body will never be able to burn it off.

Second, high insulin levels cause energy stored in your bloodstream to be converted into body fat cells. [23-25] This implies that instead of being burned off by tissues like muscle, the energy will snake its way around to your hips and abs.

That's why insulin is known as the "fat-storage hormone," and why carb-heavy diets make losing weight nearly impossible.

Insulin is only one of several examples. Optimizing your macros is important for a variety of reasons, so I'll show you how to set up your macros to treble fat loss in a minute.

What's the best part? In a minute, I'll show you an approach that's simple to follow and never leaves you hungry. In fact, if you weren't losing weight so quickly, you'd forget you were on a diet because this eating style is so satiating and simple to follow.


Following a diet that is unreasonable and unnecessarily restrictive:

Willpower is similar to a battery in that you only have so much before it runs out. That's why more restrictive diets sap your willpower, boost cravings, and lead to bingeing — the polar opposite of what you want while striving to achieve your ideal body. [26-27]

I've seen it many times before... a person who is committed to losing weight and improving their health. To begin, they embark on a diet consisting solely of tilapia, asparagus, and chicken. That is, after all, what the fitness publications advise.

While the results are fantastic at first, and the dieter faithfully brings Tupperware boxes full of "healthy" meals wherever they travel, the dieter's resolve soon wears thin, and the diet is abandoned.

While the results are fantastic at first, and the dieter faithfully brings Tupperware boxes full of "healthy" meals wherever they travel, the dieter's resolve soon wears thin, and the diet is abandoned.

Just keep in mind that dieting is difficult in and of itself. Don't make things even more difficult for yourself by imposing a slew of restrictions. Otherwise, in a few weeks or even days, you'll most likely have a mental "screw it" moment, wake up in a sea of Twinkie wrappers, and be back to square one.


To Learn More About These Diet Blunders:


NB. : The products or services mentioned above are from various founders’ and specialists’ web pages. Some have mentioned their names, and I've supplied links to their official websites so that you, my readers, can learn more about them. All of the articles on this website are quotations (or are derived from the websites of the founders and/or experts), and I have chosen the most relevant information to share with my readers. If you have any issues with the seller (meaning the experts and or founder), please consider contacting them via their webpages for further consultation… 

M. K Mashabela

A Smart Professional Blogger and Affiliate Marketer. It Doesn’t Matter How Big Is This Community. What Matters Is That There Is Love and Value in It… Follow and Like FB Page.

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